I’m Movin’ On Up George & Weezie Style…

•August 25, 2011 • 2 Comments

Hello World,

Thank you sooo much for joining me in the blogosphere! I have appreciated all of your comments, well wishes and even criticisms…But guess what, I am movin’ on up to a brand spankin’ new site – After the Altar Call. I’m still on WordPress, but I’m using a new web hosting service…at least that is how it was explained to me because I’m soo not a techie…Anwho, check out my first post there – A Saint & A Sinner…Let me know what you think about my new site and the latest post…

Blessings Always,



Happily Ever After…

•August 14, 2011 • 7 Comments


Hello World,

I find it somewhat ironic that after my post about does Mr. Right (or White…lol..) exist last Wednesday, I am now writing a post about wedded bliss…Anywho, I am dedicating today’s post to my folks who married 40 years ago today. I don’t think my mom would mind me sharing with y’all some of her thoughts leading up to her meeting and marrying my Dad so I will share them with you…

First of all, my mother got married when she was 30 years  old which was pretty old at that time period, and she was worried for a while that she would never meet The One.  She also said she was resentful at times when friends got married particularly since she was a Christian and trying her best to live an upright life, but then it finally happened…And 40 years later, they are still together…Obviously, I feel so blessed that God blessed my mother with the right man because obviously yours truly wouldn’t be here today…And the older I get and the more people I meet, I don’t take it for granted that I have two parents that love and loved me and my brothers in word and in deed and provided a safe and happy childhood for us!

My mother and father are not the only ones celebrating their nuptials this weekend…My favorite Christian celebrity Sherri Shepherd, 44, and Lamar Sally got married in the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, her hometown, according to PEOPLE magazine! Congratulations to them!!! Writing about irony, I cannot believe that I met Sherri at the ABC News’  “Nightline” debate “Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?” in April 2010. She was reppin’ for the single ladies, and now, just over a year later, she is now married!  Her tweets (her thoughts) leading up to her ceremony have been hilarious…

What happens when you are in your wedding dress and you have to tinkle? Uh-oh!

Sitting in the room in my gown waiting for Sal& groomsmen to take their pics… can’t let him see me b4 the wedding… but I’m bored as heck

Going to bed now… Sal is in his suite. My last day as a single woman. Thank you Jesus for being in the midst of all this. Gotta get sleep

I wonder what my mom would have tweeted leading up to her wedding if that modern technology existed back then…Only God knows…I’m just thankful they did marry, and I pray that Sherri & Sal are married happily ever after…Their wedding will be featured on a special on the Style network on Sept. 13.

Sherri tweeted this photo a few days ago...Apparently, this is not her wedding dress, but she did use this dress to take wedding shots with her hubby!

(Insert shameless plug here: Sherri Shepherd is one of 24 compelling women I interviewed in my book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God,” which will be available in stores and online everywhere Feb. 2012!)

Any thoughts?

P.S. I gotta dedicate “Be Without You” by Mary J.  Blige to my parents and Lamar Sally & Sherri Shepherd Sally!

Is Mr. Right White, Green, Red, Yellow & Other Colors of the Rainbow…?

•August 10, 2011 • 6 Comments

“It’s not that easy being green,
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves,
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold,
Or something much more colorful like that.”

Kermit the Frog in “It’s  Not Easy Being Green”

Hello World,

I remember hearing that song in my childhood, and it really touched me because I felt so very different as the lone black girl in my class for some time at Pathway Christian Elementary School. Fast forward 30 or so years later, and I’m still different and tragic as I’m a single black woman (yes, I have a manfriend, but I’m not married). Apparently, we are the most unmarried women on earth, and everyone wants to study us, dissect us and write endless stories about us…And so we are the focus of another article in the Wall Street Journal written by Ralph Richard Banks, the Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, in which he suggests that more of us would get married if we broadened our horizons by dating men of other races – namely white men…

Don’t get me wrong…I’m a journalist, and I understand having to write about the topic of the day…It just makes me feel a bit defensive when we have been the topic for the last two years…and I’m not entirely sure that women of other races are not having difficultly in this area as well…So back to the article of the day…Below are a few points from the article that I found interesting…

Nearly 70% of black women are unmarried, and the racial gap in marriage spans the socioeconomic spectrum, from the urban poor to well-off suburban professionals. Three in 10 college-educated black women haven’t married by age 40; their white peers are less than half as likely to have remained unwed.

Black women confront the worst relationship market of any group because of economic and cultural forces that are not of their own making; and they have needlessly worsened their situation by limiting themselves to black men. I also arrived at a startling conclusion: Black women can best promote black marriage by opening themselves to relationships with men of other races.

A desirable black man who ends a relationship with one woman will find many others waiting; that’s not so for black women.If many black women remain unmarried because they think they have too few options, some black men stay single because they think they have so many. The same numbers imbalance that makes life difficult for black women may be a source of power for black men. Why cash in, they reason, when it is so easy to continue to play?

The prevalence of relationships between professional black women and blue-collar black men may help to explain another aspect of the racial gap in marriage: Even as divorce rates have declined for most groups during the past few decades, more than half of black marriages dissolve.

What would happen if more black women opened themselves to the possibility of marrying non-black men? To start, they might find themselves in better relationships. Some professional black women would no doubt discover that they are more compatible with a white, Asian or Latino coworker or college classmate than with the black guy they grew up with, who now works at the auto shop.

Any thoughts?

And in case you have never heard Kermit’s song, check it out here…

“The Possibilities of Love” – The World Premiere!!!

•August 3, 2011 • Leave a Comment
Soror Elle Richardson

Hello World,

I don’t know what you’re doing this weekend, but you need to check out “The Possibilities of Love” directed by my friend and soror Elle Richardson! This is her directorial debut! Below is a description of the play…

The Possibilities of Love” is an intimate exploration in the lives of the Jennings’ family and how they navigate through life’s triumphs and tragedies, to discover that forgiveness is the ultimate pathway to true love. The play is a fascinating story of everyday people and the possibilities that love offers the human spirit. Elise Jennings is a gifted writer who allows her fear of failure to delay her dreams of becoming an author, while her sister Chloe accomplishes everything she wants…at any cost. Ma Jennings is the matriarch of the family and the thread that binds them all together. When the unthinkable occurs within the family, it devastates their very existence and ultimately alters the course of their lives forever.

The play will be held at the 14th Street Playhouse on Friday, Aug. 5 through Sunday, Aug. 7. Showtimes are 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 6 p.m. on Sunday. Ticket price: $25.75. To purchase advance tickets, please go here!

And if you or if you know someone who would like to become a professional actor, Elle also teaches “Jump Start Acting” classes. Her next class will be on Tuesday, Aug. 9. For more information, go to jumpstartacting.info. Her promotion video is below…”No Fake Smiles!” LOL…Elle is a complete ham…

Any thoughts?

I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 1….

•July 31, 2011 • 11 Comments

“Yo, I’m strictly about skills and dope lyrical coastin’
Relying on talent, not marketing and promotion.” KRS -One from “Step Into A World” 

Hello World,

As hip-hop aficionados know, KRS-One is one the dopest emcees ever but anyone who wants to be successful particularly in a creative field knows marketing and promotion is a must…

Sooo it’s been a whirlwind of month of developing a marketing and promotion plan and getting started on what’s shaping up to be an exhausting but rewarding six to seven months before my book comes out in February 2012. (It still makes me smile inside when I say or even type those words.)

Although according to the Myers-Briggs personality test I am classified as introvert (meaning I get my energy from spending a lot of time alone) a lot of marketing and promotion begins by networking with other people and supporting the success of others in your chosen industry. I have been attending events like crazy this month and on “school nights” too which is typically against my policy.

I started off by attending a book release party at Justin’s Restaurant & Bar for author Curtis Bunn on July 5. His latest book is “A Cold Piece of Work.” Bunn is also the founder of the National Book Club Conference, the event for black “literati.” Dwan Abrams, president of Nevaeh Publishing LLC (the company that is publishing my book) and I hung out at the party together.

Dwan Abrams winning a prize at Curtis Bunn's book release party...

That Saturday, July 9, I attended a meeting of TalkBLACK Atlanta, a black discussion group that meets monthly to talk about issues in the black community. The topic for this month was the black woman which was right up my alley. Although I’m an introvert, I love to talk about controversial topics! Our conversation was heated, but I really enjoyed myself. The crowd was small enough for me not to feel overwhelmed and large enough to have diverse opinions. Also, the meeting was held at Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint, which might become one of my spots in the future…

On July 16, I attended a book signing at the Camp Creek Market Place location of Barnes & Noble for ReShonda Tate Billingsley. She discussed her latest work “Say Amen, Again” and signed copies of the book. I am so inspired by her career path as she started out as a journalist before venturing into the book publishing industry. To date, she is the author of 21 books, and she also is  a co-host for “From Cover to Cover” literary talk radio show. In addition, she is venturing into acting, and her book “Let the Church Say Amen” is being made into a movie of which she is executive producer and actress Regina King is the director. And I’m

Me & ReShonda at her book signing...

not even listing all of her accomplishments! She’s bad!

On July 21,  a friend and I went to a diversity mixer with the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists and the local chapters of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Asian American Journalists Association at 5 Season Brewery on Marietta Street. I liked this spot as well! People were exchanging their twitter addressess as much as they were handing out business cards…I felt so old although I do have a twitter account….Follow me at @jackiehwrites…

That Saturday, July 23, I went to my first meeting of the Faith-Based Fiction Writers of Atlanta which met at Sammiches ‘N Stuff Breakfast and Sandwiches in the Dec. (I also liked this place.) I was invited to another writers meeting earlier in the week, but I was unable to attend because I teach at the gym on that night.  And no, I don’t write fiction yet, but they welcomed me into the group anyway…

This past Thursday, I attended the Black Pearls Magazine Chocolate Social at the Westin Peachtree Plaza where I was able to meet various book authors and others in the black book publishing industry from around the country. I enjoyed meeting many of the new authors like Lakia Brandenburg who wrote “He’s Not Perfect. I’m Not Perfect. But Together We’re Picture Perfect.”  And I also reconnected with “ESSENCE” best-selling author Victoria Christopher Murray and my soror.

And Friday, I went to TechUptownATL at the Hyatt Regency Hotel where I was able to meet social media superstars Yalanda Lattimore of DryerBuzz.com and Lamar Tyler of BlackAndMarriedWithKids.com. I feel like I already knew them from their online presence, but it was nice to finally meet them in person…

Deon Gordon, Lamar Tyler & Cortnee Howard

Also on Friday, I was also featured on the Shades of Romance Magazine blog!!! Thanks LaShaunda Hoffman!!!

And behind the scenes, I was still grinding on marketing and promotion…more will be revealed…stay tuned…

Any thoughts?

Random Ramblings Quatre

•July 27, 2011 • 4 Comments

Hello World,

When I showed my mother a picture of Amy Winehouse, she said she looked like a modern Barbra Streisand...what y'all think?

When I cannot find anything in particular I want to dedicate a post to, I find myself collecting my random ramblings as I have done in three previous posts Random Ramblings aka I didn’t have a topic so bear with me  and Random Ramblings part deaux… So read on if you must…

1. As many of us are, I am incensed about this debt ceiling thing for the obvious reasons…But aside from the obvious, the older I get the more I realize that many of us choose to ignore the lessons that we learned (hopefully) in childhood. One of those lessons is compromise is typically better for all parties involved (pun intended)…Why can’t these politicians come up with something that can benefit the two schools of thought around this issue…Neither will get all that they want, but compromise already!

2. Another childhood lesson gone awry: Dominique Strass-Kahn’s accuser Nafissatou Diallo may be telling the truth about his allegedly sexual assaulting her, but the woman has admitted she has lied a LOT before…For instance, Diallo admitted she lied about “making mistakes in lying to prosecutors about an earlier rape in Guinea, filing false tax returns, and lying on an asylum application,” according to “Newsweek.” Clearly, someone needs to buy Diallo a copy of  “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” a children’s book. You know what they say…if someone lies about one thing, they will usually lie about another…

Amy Winehouse did look something like her...at least from this photo...

3. Amy Winehouse…Two words come to mind…Wasted Talent…Remember these words from “A Bronx Tale?” This artist was crazy talented. RIP.

4. Divorces anywhere are a threat to marriages everywhere…Okay, Okay, I know I’m totally messing up Dr. King’s quote (“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”), but I think my retooled quote is also true…The J. Lo & Marc Anthony divorce…After all of her failed relationships, I thought she had finally found her “happily ever after,” particularly since she had children…I’ve been hearing about a lot of divorces lately, and every time I hear of a new one, I really do ponder why some marriages last while other marriages just disintegrate….

5. In other talented singer news….Lauryn Hill & Rohan Marley…Six children later, and there is still drama…Apparently, according to ABC News, Marley could be allegedly seeing another woman and is not exactly claiming to be the father of Hill’s sixth child…And Hill has responded to these news reports here…Obviously, since I’m not in the relationship, I don’t know what is the truth, but I think we can all agree that her onstage behavior hasn’t been right for years…If this is an indicator of what goes on in her private life, I cannot say but….

6. I haven’t thought too much about the Norway shooting although I probably should have…But my friend, fellow blogger and the web designer of my blog Tess Gadwa wrote an interesting post about it here….Check her out…Let her know that I sent you…

7. I’m a sucker for an interesting relationship article…I wanted to post about this article last month, but life got in the way…“Economy of Sex: It’s Cheap These Days.”

Any thoughts?

My favorite Amy Winehouse song…

Join Stacy Hawkins Adams & Other Writers in Philly…

•July 20, 2011 • 4 Comments

Hello World,

From August 10-13, I will be in Philly! Read the article below written by Becca Anderson with ASSIST News Service to see why…

Writers, Public Encouraged to Change the Culture

Author Stacy Hawkins Adams will serve on the conference faculty and teach about writing and marketing.

By Becca Anderson
Special to ASSIST News Service

LANSDALE/LANGHORNE PA (ANS) — From August 10-13, 2011, hundreds of writers will gather at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference at Philadelphia Biblical University, Langhorne, PA, and many of the most important sessions of the conference are open to the public free of charge.

We live in a time when we need to be both encouraged and challenged,” said conference director Marlene Bagnull. “The sessions open to the public address issues of transforming our culture for the better, reaching out to impact the world for the better, and sobering reports of Christian persecution worldwide.”

The conference theme is “Write His Answer,” taken from Habakkuk 2:2. Each day of the conference includes general sessions.

Thursday, August 11, Dr. Ted Baehr, publisher of MOVIEGUIDE® Magazine will deliver the keynote address at 8:30 a.m. entitled “You Can Help Transform the Culture.”

At 7:30 p.m. that evening, Liz Babbs from Great Britain will share how to “Write His Answer in an Age of Opposition.” Babbs has developed innovative and effective ways to impact her culture.

Bestselling author Cec Murphey speaks at 8:30 a.m. Friday, August 12, on “Write His Answer . . . Transparently.” Author of over 100 books, including 90 Minutes in Heaven, Murphey is known for his ability to write with vulnerability and truth. He will also give an encouraging message to struggling writers, “Write His Answer . . . and Don’t Give Up,” on Saturday at 4:00 pm.

Friday evening at 7:30, Dan Wooding, founder of the ASSIST News Service, will speak about the persecution of Christians. There are an estimated 100 million Christians worldwide who suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ. Wooding will share stories and insights into how writers can make a difference for the persecuted church.

Saturday, August 13 at 8:30 a.m., various faculty members and conferees will bring brief but important messages on “Write His Answer to Issues that Concern You.”

In addition to the general sessions, seminars that are unique to this conference will focus on the issues of our day. They are open to conferees as well as the community.

On Thursday from 1:00 – 4:30 pm those who are concerned about human trafficking, orphans, abortion, the poor, racism, the learning impaired, the handicapped, the hungry and so much more that is close to the heart and call of Jesus are encouraged to register for the “Who Is My Neighbor?” seminar led by Steven Lawson, Senior Editor of Regal Publishing Group.

From 1:00 – 4:30 pm on Friday, Rick Marschall, author or editor of more than 60 books and a columnist for the ASSIST News Service, will talk about how we are living during a time of unprecedented moral decay and decline in the biblical standards our nation was founded upon. Participants in his “Help Save Our Nation!” seminar will be challenged and equipped to defend our cultural and spiritual heritage.

Saturday, from 10:30 am to noon, Dan Wooding will bring up-to-date news from the world’s hot spots of Christian persecution and encourage attendees to become “a voice for the voiceless.”

For 28 years, the GPCWC has offered an intensive education packed into a few days for writers throughout the tri-state area and beyond. In addition to general sessions and the eight continuing sessions, attendees will select from among 60 workshops on topics ranging from marketing to technique, getting published, issues inherent in the writer’s life, and writing fiction and nonfiction books and articles for adults and children.

Earlybird Workshops on Wednesday, August 10, include a two-part clinic with web designer Jerry Thompson on creating a website. Attendees will leave the sessions with a website ready to use. (Additional cost and advance preparation needed for this clinic.) Other Earlybird workshops include sessions on making money by blogging, E-publishing, ethics in non-fiction writing, and how writers can make the most of meetings at the conference with editors and publishers.

Face-to-face meetings between writers and those who are in the market for what they produce are invaluable in opening publication doors. GPCWC emphasizes such meetings, with each full-conference attendee having four 15-minute appointments to pitch their work to editors, agents and publisher representatives. Many published writers trace their first big sale back to a meeting at a conference. A roster of 65 faculty members will share their hard-won wisdom.

Full details regarding the conference are available on the website, www.writehisanswer.com/Philadelphia, including information on costs, housing, biographies of all faculty members and their current editorial needs, and descriptions of all sessions. A brochure can be printed from the website, or writers can call 484-991-8581.

There is still time to register and go…

Any thoughts?


•July 17, 2011 • 2 Comments

Hello World,

Today, I just want to focus on Jesus…I love Him….He’s my Savior….He’s My Healer…He’s My Friend…

One of my favorite ways to bask in His Presence is to listen to songs that simply lift His name up…

If you’re looking for the ultimate lover of your soul, try Jesus….If you need to be saved from the cruelty of this world, try Jesus…If you need a healing, there is no other but Jesus…If you need someone who will always be a friend, it’s still Jesus…

 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2: 10-11

The Vision I Had in My Head aka Debuting My New Book Cover Woo Hoo!!!

•July 13, 2011 • 9 Comments

Hello World!

It’s official. I have gingerly stepped my big toe in the rapids that are the marketing and promotion of a book, and I’m hoping that I have enough stamina and skill to swim to the other side. There are so many ways that you can market and promote a book it’s easy to get overwhelmed with it all. But I believe I’m off to a very good start!  I have an awesome book cover that totally captures what I had in my head…

This is what I had in my head….This photo was taken circa 2000 on a trip with friends to the Bahamas. When I encountered this lovely one-room stone church, I knew I had to take a picture in front of it….I never knew that years later this would be the image that conveys why I wrote After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God. It’s amazing how God works because He is truly working all things together for our good —  even before we know it! When you become a Christian, it seems that the scariest part of the task is walking down that long, sometimes lonely aisle to the front of the church to meet the pastor at the altar (where you publicly confess your faith in Jesus Christ.) But once you’ve done that, you realize that it’s much more scary to try to live as a Christian in a world that is hell-bent on squelching all faith in our Creator…That’s why I love that I’m sitting at the doorway of the church, away from the altar although it is still in sight…

I submitted this photo to my publishing company, Nevaeh Publishing, when I was asked for cover art ideas, and I hoped that this image could translate into an appropriate book cover…Months later, I am elated at the result! Kudos to the graphic artist 🙂

What do you think? And if this is your first time encountering my blog, let me tell you about my book in case you want to buy it when it becomes available in February 2012!!! (I have my marketing and promotion hat on now…)

After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God is a fresh, real and relevant how-to manual for black women who desire to move past the “church speak” and into an intimate relationship with their Creator. What makes this book unique from other “relationship with God” books is that this book is written from a black perspective and spans a variety of issues typically not included in one book – from being thrice-married to leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

 As a seasoned journalist, I have interviewed black women from diverse backgrounds to discover what having a personal relationship with God is truly about – beyond the initial “come to Jesus” moment typically associated with the altar call experience. I give readers a rare, personal look into the lives of these women, identify the precepts these women used to develop a personal relationship with God given their life experiences, and create a plan for readers to craft their own relationship with the Father.

 The book includes interviews with 24 remarkable women with compelling stories such the “The View” co-host Sherri Shepherd,  Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the 117th elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the first woman elected to Episcopal office in over 200 years of A.M.E. history; and Valorie Burton, life coach, author and co-host on the Emmy award- winning show “Aspiring Women” and the former co-host of the national daily television program “The Potter’s Touch” with Bishop T.D. Jakes.

Any thoughts?

P.S. Again, if you have any creative marketing and promotion ideas, let me know in your comments. I’m pretty much open to anything short of skywriting the name of my book on the actual release date…but then again…lol…

P.P.S. If you happen to know the name of this little church in the Bahamas, let me know. I would love to send a letter or something to the people of this church…

A Family-Oriented, Positive Reality Show? Introducing GigFlip180…

•July 10, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Hello World,

Yesterday, I attended a meeting for TalkBlack Atlanta, an African-American discussion group that meets the first Saturday of each month at African-American-owned businesses throughout the city. Yesterday’s discussion was on the black woman. I thoroughly enjoyed discussing issues pertinent to what African-American women face in our day-to-day lives, and I will be back!

One of the points that we discussed is how we are portrayed in the media – think “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” and how we don’t fight to ensure that the images of us are positive or at least really realistic. One panelist Dr. Alicia Simon noted that years ago, CBS tried to create a reality-based remake of “The Beverly Hillbillies,” in which a rural family would be moved to a Beverly Hills mansion for hilarious mischief and mayhem I’m sure… After public outry including a congressional hearing according to Simon, that reality show was shut down before it even started…

Well, my Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sister and line sister Kendra Muñoz aka “Beauty” and her husband Carlos aka “C-Los,” two wonderfully gifted artists, are in the process of developing a family-oriented, positive reality show “GigFlip180.”  (READ: You will not find any basketball wives on this show!) This variety show is actually the brainchild of C-Los Muñoz! The duo are currently raising money to fund the production of their first show…Read on for my Q&A about the program…

What is GigFlip180?

GigFlip180 a hip variety stage show where celebrities showcase their hidden talents.  Our show “GigFlip180” is designed for the whole family to enjoy, bringing the household back together like the good old shows of yesteryear: one room – one television – one family! The show is reminiscent of “The Flip Wilson Show” with several funny skits, songs & dance grooves to offer side-splitting comedy and a musical display of talent. Celebs come on the show, and they appear on the show right alongside me, (C-Los) & my beautiful spouse and co-host Beauty in awe-inspiring, comedic scenes!  Whether they’re an actor, singer, dancer, rapper, or sports figure – they must “flip” the “gig” that has made them famous “180 degrees.”

 How & why did you come up with the concept?

As a boy,  I was intrigued with television. I used to think tiny people were inside playing around. As I got older, I loved watching “Sanford & Son,” “Good Times,” “The Brady Bunch” and “The Flip Wilson & Carol Burnett Shows.” Those shows taught me life lessons on how to treat people with decency and respect. Because of all those great shows, I was fueled to become an entertainer. So, I built up enough courage to audition and  land a gig in a professional theater company.  After working with the theater company,  I auditioned and landed my first TV role. I was amazed at the fact that I was going to be on TV! I was like Wow! Following that TV gig, I was signed to a major record label. With recording, touring and TV appearances, I wasn’t able to watch any TV because I was too busy being on it.  LOL. 

Now, today TV has turned into a projection of violence and sexual exploitation. I believe TV was invented with the  family in mind where entire families can sit down in one room, watch one television and enjoy a program without fear of explicit content.  So I created a family variety show that will help redirect television to its more encouraging, empowering and inspiring roots. This show entertains the entire family with good old-fashioned clean fun. Celebrity guests appear on the show flipping the gig that’s made them famous. They will not perform what has made them known by millions…They got to “flip” it!  They must demonstrate they’re worthy of the title of superstar. It’s the return of good, clean TV!

Tell me about your background and what has prepared you to pursue this project.

I got my first big break as an actor, singer, dancer and choreographer in the renowned Boston Youth Theatre directed by Elaine Koury.  After that, I landed a lead role in a television special called “Don’t Give Up.” Since I loved the excitement of live performing, I decided to shift my focus to music entertainment, and I began touring and appearing on TV (“Soul Train” and BET) and performance stages across the country with Billboard- charting, Polygram R&B recording group Finest Hour. 

Then, I became a member of Marky Mark’s Funky Bunch.  In the late ’90s, I relocated to Atlanta, working with Marvelous Development Center and Devyne Stephens’ Upfront Megatainment.  During my over 20 years in entertainment, I have worked in many capacities including  working as an an entertainment consultant, road manager, choreographer and artist developer. I have worked on several projects with many celebrities including Sean “P-Diddy” Combs, Dallas Austin, Robert Townsend, Patti Labelle, Maurice Starr, OutKast, Jazze Pha, Goodie Mob,  Raven-Symoné, Ludacris and Pink.

With a wealth of entertainment experience, I have launched Zonum Media Group, the media production company that is producing “GigFlip180!’

What is Kickstarter & why are you using this service? Why is there a deadline date?

Kickstarter is the largest funding platform for creative projects in the world. Every month, tens of thousands of amazing people pledge millions of dollars to projects from the worlds of music, film, art, technology, design and other creative fields.  It is a new form of commerce and patronage.  It is not about investment or lending. Project creators keep 100 percent ownership and control over their work. Instead, they offer products and experiences that are unique to each project.  Projects are ALL or NOTHING FUNDING, which means a project on KICKSTARTER must reach its funding goal before time runs out or no money changes hands.

This policy protects everyone involved. Creators aren’t expected to develop their project without necessary funds, and it allows anyone to test concepts without risk.  Each and every project is an independent creation.  Projects are big and small, whimsical or serious. We thought that getting involved with Kickstarter would be a perfect opportunity  for supporters to directly connect to a project that speaks to their heart…

Some people may want to ask me, C-Los “You’ve worked with a lot of people, know a lot of people – you don’t need Kickstarter, do you?” And my answer would be, I am not too sure it’s about if I need Kickstarter or not. I just know this is the perfect platform to get us, not only connect to our fan base but connect to people that are looking for a refreshing change from what they are used to seeing.  Also, when someone puts a pledge behind you, it gives you that feeling of validation that says what you are doing is a good thing and you should continue in your pursuit because we need more positive shows for families in the world…

We have to raise $139,000 by Sept. 6 or we lose it all. To date, we have raised $766. The money is needed to shoot the stage show before a live studio audience, including securing the venue, celebrities, the pay for cast & crew members and other  budgeted items.

How do you donate, and what do you get for your donation?

To donate or what we like to say, make a pledge, you must go to Kickstarter.com. (Click on the link.) Incentives for pledging are listed on the website.

Sounds like a worthy cause to me…

Any thoughts?

P.S. Check out a promo video for “GlipFlip180” below…