Two Steps Forward…One Step Back.

Hello World!!!

A friend of mine told me last night that he noticed I hadn’t been updating my blog as much as I usually do. I was so touched. Someone missed me…I hope you’ve missed me too! I haven’t been updating as much as I should this month…maybe more about that later 🙂

So here’s the topic – What is your secret struggle? What is the area of your life in which you take two steps forward only to take one step back? For the divine Ms. O, Oprah Winfrey that is, her weight is her not-so-secret struggle although she wishes it were a secret!  She recently admitted that she has gained 40 pounds since 2006 which puts her weight at a solid 200 pounds. On the January issue of “O” magazine, it features a picture of the 200-pound Oprah looking at the 160-pound Oprah! I really, really, really feel for her!

I have never been obese, but I have struggled with body image issues pretty much since I realized I had a body! I apologize to those who knew me from age 20-25, my favorite question to ask was, “Do you think I look fat?” I swear if I could retrieve the brain cells I devoted to my weight, I would probably have enough to have won the Pulitzer Prize by now! Thank God I now I have a reasonably stable body image, and I no longer feel the need to weigh myself several times a day!!! How did I get rid of this demon? God..and like Forest Gump says, “That’s all I have to say about that.”

So again, what is your secret struggle? I love the story about the  woman at the well in the Bible!  It seems that she was a love and relationship addict! (Theologians, you will correct me if I’m wrong, I’m sure!)  When she met Jesus, she had already had FIVE husbands, and the man she was living with at the time she met the Lord wasn’t even her husband!  She thought her issues were a secret, but the Lord called her out! That day, that woman thought she was coming to the well to get regular old water, but instead, her thirst for real love was quenched that day…Praise Jesus!!!

I think Zacchaeus had a Napolean complex.  As a result, he had chosen a career in which he dominated people, but secretly, he longed to have self esteem that was based on his inner worth rather than his job. And Jesus, being the Lord that He is, got it.  He told him he was worthy of salvation! Praise Him 2x!

I think the man with one talent had the insidious habit of comparing himself to others. It seems to me that he constantly compared himself to the man who had five talents and the man who had two talents. Rather than get into the comparison game, these two men worked hard with what they had and were able to double their talents. The man with one talent, however, seemed to be ashamed of his one talent and hit it in the ground. Unlike the other stories, however, this story didn’t end well. The one talent the man had was taken away from him and given to the man who had 10 talents because he failed to use it.  Sad, huh!  (My father’s antidote to this behavior is, “Keep your eyes on your own plate!” But Praise God 3x anyway just because HE is WORTHY!

So again, what is your secret struggle? And how do you deal with it? Please post your comments!!! You don’t have to post your name!!!

Any Thoughts???

(Aside: If you’re in the Denver, Colorado area, check out my friend, Soul Daddy!  His album release party is tomorrow!!! Congratulations!!! You go boy!!! 🙂 )

P.P.S. I have included a Rev. Paul Jones classic, “I Won’t Complain.”  It doesn’t fit this post, but for some reason the song is on my mind this morning. According to what I read, this amazing talent was killed when he was 30 years old!

~ by jackieholness on December 10, 2008.

8 Responses to “Two Steps Forward…One Step Back.”

  1. Oprah’s struggle just proves that even with a personal trainer, an in-house chef and all the money in the world, it sometimes takes a miracle straight from the throne to overcome our secret battles.

  2. It’s sad that she’s struggled so long with this. I hope she eventually overcomes whatever it is that is holding her back in this area. As far as my own secret struggles… Hmmm, although it’s not ongoing, it probably is body image as well. That and the fact that I am so hard on myself.

  3. You’re not going to catch me copping to my secret struggles on a somebody else’s blog! Anyway, Jackie you already know most of the dirt… 😉

  4. @Chicki, thank God that He is always willing and able to help us!

    @Petula, your name is really cool! Thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog! Please come back often!

    @Tess, yes, girl, I’ve already got the dirt on you!!! 🙂

  5. Hi Jackie! I’m a friend of Chicki’s, and I’m glad she sent me over here. She knows one of my not-so-secret struggles is my weight too.

    I was not surprised by Oprah’s admission (anyone who’s seen a recent picture knew) but I am saddened that I’ll have to let go of my excuses (no personal chef, no in-house trainer, etc.)

  6. @Patricia W, thanks for stopping by my blog! I think everyone struggles with something whether we admit or not. And I think the first step in moving beyond that struggle is admitting it is a struggle – at least that is what happened in my case. 🙂 Please stop by site again!

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