
Hello World!!! 

As of yesterday, I am 37 years old…Maybe that’s not a big deal if you’re 73….but if you’re me, 37 is three years away from 40…Wow! I mean it’s all good…I’m here…I’m still alive…I’m healthy as far as I know…I’m cute…but I think every year that you are alive, you should grow in wisdom and grow more into the person that God created you to be…I think I’m growing in wisdom and I have been striving to be all that God created me to be so I feel like I am making progress…But it’s just amazing that I can remember turning 13 and now I am 37…Oh yeah, maybe I am going somewhere with this post and maybe I’m not…Here’s a thought…If I could go back and tell my 13-year-old self some wisdom and some revelations about myself, below is what I would say…

1. You are enough…If the kids around you think you’re ugly or lame or lacking in any way, ignore them because you are enough…

2. Hang around some of the kids that rap and sing and maybe don’t go to class in high school because Ludacris, Bone Crusher, Tiny from Xscape better known as T.I.’s girlfriend, Mike Crooms aka DJ Smurf aka Mr. Collipark and the original DJ from OutKast went to Banneker…and maybe you could have been in their crew or a video or gotten a free album or something…

3. You will meet some of the nicest guys you will ever meet in high school…You may meet guys who have more money or  who are more sophisticated after high school but pay attention to the nice guys because you will always want be in the presence of one…

4. Having parents who have a ton of rules is actually really cool…You won’t get pregnant in high school, be tired of clubbing at age 20 or have reached your peak at age 16…

5.  Treasure your friends. No one lives forever, but the young die too…Rest in peace Shakita and Shonda…

6. That girl who threatened to “kick your heart in” in homeroom ended up on Divorce Court (yes the television show) years later looking unkempt, hefty and just plain ghetto…karma, ha!

7. Never tell a female associate about your good man because she may just take him…Shout out to N…I guess I really can’t be mad at you since you married him and everything after high school…Guess it was meant to be…But I still learned the lesson…

8. You are a writer…(Still affirming that truth…)

9. Slow down girl…Don’t believe the hype…

10. Keep journaling…It’s therapeutic and a good way to hear from God and yourself…

11. Continue to be unflinchingly polite…You will be surprised how many people don’t bother to say please, excuse me, thank you, etc. anymore…but being polite makes you feel good about yourself even if others think you’re corny…

12. Every goodbye ain’t gone, every shut eye ain’t closed and every adult ain’t grown…

13. Exercise actually feels good…

What would you tell you’re 13-year-old self if you could go back and do so?

Any thoughts?

~ by jackieholness on September 8, 2010.

4 Responses to “37…”

  1. Happy Birthday!!! I’d say have fun!!!

  2. All great lessons, but I think my favorite is, “Every goodbye ain’t gone, every shut eye ain’t closed and every adult ain’t grown…”

    Happy belated birthday!

    • Thank you :)…My high school history teacher told me the first two phrases and I made up the last one. I had to find out the hard way that all three are very true…

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